Mateo de Mayo

Second Update

Mateo de Mayo

28 February 2021


While the previous update gave me a bird's eye overview of some of the topics I wanted to learn more about, these two weeks have been more about getting a closer look at the source code of Monado while making a keyboard and mouse driver for it.

Complementing the OpenXR Specification

I started reading the Monado source code without any particular objective in mind but now I’m very glad I did so at this stage. Reading an OpenXR implementation seems to complement nicely the read of the specification as I had knowledge gaps between the need for some OpenXR ideas and their applications in VR. When reading the code that makes up these concepts, I got to know the how, which in turn made the re-read of the specification’s what make a lot more sense.

An example of this are XrSpaces. Reading the code you will find a xrt_space_relation type which has a definition along the lines of:

struct xrt_space_relation {
  struct vec3 position;
  struct quat orientation;
  struct vec3 linear_velocity;
  struct vec3 angular_velocity;

There is also a so called xrt_space_graph container of a sequence of xrt_space_relations which lets you “chain” spaces together. With this context alone it becomes a lot more clear that the concept of an XrSpace is trying to mimic the idea of an inertial frame of reference (though with rotations) which can be chained together as well. And while this idea can be extracted from the Spaces chapter of the specification, it might be a bit obfuscated with the API details (even though they are quite important for completeness and for using the spec as reference once you are doing your project).

Monado Source

To get a picture of the size of Monado, its src/ directory as of today has about 200 KLOC (with src/external/ having about 80 KLOC). That size means it is not too overwhelming to get a good understanding of most of its parts and that you may even read it from the start of one of its target’s main functions and be able to follow along.

I started by reading the probe option of the cli target and doing a driver that prints to the console. A good start for writing one is reading target_lists.c and the dummy driver. In the process, you will find how a form of inheritance is implemented by some structs usage of a base member. An example of this is how almost all drivers implement a custom struct that derives from xrt_device.

It was useful to have some background in the OpenXR specification as many functions exposed in Monado base structs are directly related to OpenXR ones like xrt_device->get_tracked_pose with XrLocateSpace and xrt_device->get_view_pose with XrLocateViews.

As Monado can work both embedded into an app or as a service hosting multiple OpenXR apps, there is an IPC protocol implemented. Down one of the call-stack-rabbit-holes, I found references to functions that supposedly did not exist in the codebase and later found only existed in the build/ directory. It was most interesting to find out that this IPC protocol seems to be described in a json file and that a python script is responsible for writing C files which in turn are the ones that manage the protocol. I’ve not seen this kind of metaprogramming in other C projects and I think it is a clever idea considering how frequently an internal IPC protocol may change. Though I wonder how this compares to other solutions using things like gRPC, protobuf, thrift, etc.

Qwerty Driver

I tried to expand my “Hello World” driver into something that did a bit more. As it seemed to be no easy way to emulate HMDs or controllers with keyboard and mouse, I thought it could be a good idea to try to do a driver named qwerty which does that. I forked the repo and started working on it. Here is a video of the driver in action some days ago:

Some more improvements have been implemented after the video was made, the controllers are now “parented” to the HMD, their poses can be reset, and the movement speed of each device can be changed at runtime with the mouse wheel.

As my original goal was to have an excuse to read more of Monado, the code was at first not properly documented, and my commits scattered XXX and TODO comments over the entire source code as notes for my future self. However, once I shared it in the Monado Discord I saw that some people might want the feature implemented. Also, it would be pretty nice to have this driver complement physical devices as well. I will try to eventually get it merged after I solve some problems. In fact, a solution to one of the first problems was merged today and it was my first contribution to Monado!

There were other problems that took some time to solve when first implementing the driver:

SLAM Introductory Papers

I did some introductory reads of SLAM, in particular, I started with this paper which seemed like a good overview of SLAM with the hopes of understanding some of it. Before diving into the main topics, the paper recommended for non-expert readers, to get a look at these tutorials. And so I ended up reading the first one. Unfortunately, while the problem setup uses basic probability and statistics concepts, the main section, “Solutions to the SLAM Problem” went way over my head, as I don’t have knowledge about Kalman filters nor in the Rao-Blackwell theorem. Even considering this, I got a better understanding of the problem SLAM faces, and how probabilistic approaches seem to be the standard (though I’m also excited to see how well new techniques using deep learning perform at SLAM).

What’s Next

The next two weeks are my last before starting classes again, so I’ll probably use some of this time to finish non-XR stuff I’ve been delaying. Having said so, I would like to move forward with the Qwerty driver and get it merged.

Besides that, I still have a lot to cover, and might pick to do something related to one of these: