Robolve is a tower defense RPG with colorful and friendly visuals.
You must defense Orb from the guardians
For wining a game you must survive all the level waves
You can attack directly a robot by tapping it
You can create defenses to help you kill robots
Orb is itself a defense
You can create a defense of a certain element with the plus button for $700
You can improve that defense for $100
You can restore a defense's life by repairing it for free
Defenses will be destroyed by robots if they reach them
Besides destroying everything they can, after killing them
Robots drop three types of items: GOLD, UNIQUE ITEMS, or ELEMENTAL COINS
Unique items can be equiped or sold from the inventory to KY3
The can improve your different stats substantially.
Elemental coins are special coins that can be sold, and
Based on the proportion of your defenses of the same element
They increase its price, and its droprate.
Be careful though, having too many defenses of one element
can alert robots and they will evolve to crush you.
As we all know, fire is better than electric, which in turn
is better than water, which in turn is better than fire, and so on.
When both robot and defenses have a target with a worse element,
they inflict duplicated damage.